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College: The Root of Caffeine Addiction


It is reported that the average college student drinks 176 mg of caffeine a day. Judging from a personal perspective, I know about 90% of my peers need a coffee to attend class. This addiction can even cause being late to class, skipping class entirely and a lack of sleep/eat. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant, meaning after drinking coffee, hunger subsides.

I plan on seeing what kind of caffeine consumption is most popular on campus, what an average student drinks in a day and expose how this can affect people later in life. I will have data visualizations of coffee consumption in the average college student, national statistics on adults who have caffeine addictions or problems that come with excessive consumption, and interview someone who frequently is buying coffee.

This is important because students ages ranging from 18-25 are in the process of brain development, and having dependencies on certain chemicals will lead to health problems. Coffee is not bad for you, however the behaviors reciprocated from students often leads to bad habits.



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