Muscle Marketing
You love to see it. A new blog, with an author in hopes to change lives and make some money. My name is Alex Caprara, an Integrated Marketing in Communication major at Slippery Rock University, and I also have a passion for fitness. I am originally from Maryland, and hate the cold weather that waited for my arrival in Pennsylvania. However, this school allowed me to become the best version of myself, and I am grateful for the opportunity I had for some self-discovery.
Throughout my college career, I have found out how hard it is to truly find a hobby, it took almost three years for me to discover mine. But, I often found myself scrolling through social media for hours and hours (after studying of course) with no goal in mind. The only thing occupying my brain were the newest trends on TikTok and who the next big influencer was going to be. When I found out how easy it was for myself to notice trends and improve upon social media, I realized my passion for communication. Not only did social media lead me to my current major, but it also allowed me to discover the fitness industry! I became super motivated from some of my favorite influencers such as Soosh or Nico Flores, that I became addicted to all things regarding the gym.
I chose New-Media Journalism for the sole reason that I need to stay present in the moment. My whole career will be surrounded by the latest trends, newest ideas that capture a consumer's eye, and how social media will impact the next generation. Being quick-witted, creative, and always curious are the core traits anyone needs for this career path, and I am hoping this class will allow me to hone these skills. The end goal of college was always a degree for myself, but I have gained a passion I never would have thought of having as a byproduct of my life experiences.
You can check out my personal life and the wins/losses that comes with it on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I do not do much reading, however whenever I need a trustworthy source, I tend to use the legacy outlet, The Washington Post. It reminds me of my childhood, especially when I am five hours away from home. However, when I need some latest updates regarding social media trends, or want to understand the college lifestyle better, I use Barstool Sports. I have noticed in the course of four years at SRU, people make dumb decisions and forget about a digital footprint. However, this kind of content sells, and Barstool has done a magnificent job at monopolizing this kind of market (in a really creative way). Well, you know me a little better now, but I hope you will learn something through these that might just inspire you to find your own way!